Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thinking Visually!

About six months ago I stumbled upon a creative agency called Cognitive Media in London.  They believe in communication through "scribing" and "visual synthesis".  This concept tries to combat information overload and in my opinion does a good job of capturing audience attention.  Watch the video below to get an idea of how ideas get disseminated through video scribing.

I had thought this idea was worthy of some attention since I hadn't seen it before.   Low and behold, Ogilvy has started offering a similar service which made an appearance at this year's SXSW with Ogilvy Notes!  I'd expect to see more visual thinking as information overload worsens.  See what Ogilvy has to say about the art of distilling information into visual notes below.

Why is this concept successful?
They take us back to the basics!  It is simple, straight forward and entertaining.  The artistic style is reminiscent of reading cartoons which for me are funny and instantly gratifying!

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