Sunday, March 1, 2009

Big Idea!

One day this idea just hit me and I called up my friend Andy to tell him that I thought of a great idea. He is my go to entrepreneur friend that would appreciate something like this. My great idea was Pandora except for restaurants. Initially I thought this would be a good website, but there are already so many out there in this space--just to name a few Citysearch, Menupages and Urban Spoon. It is worth mentioning that none of those sites are really are predictive in nature. I am not sure how Pandora works, but if this could be done with restaurants and not songs, I know the application (whether a website or mobile phone application)would be successful because it solves a common problem that everyone has.

As we conversed more, the idea got better. I wanted to develop an iPhone application that would combine the Urban Spoon iPhone app + Pandora.

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