Monday, December 6, 2010

Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge

So the Food Network has hit the UK on Sky and Freesat. Adam and I were watching Nigella Lawson who made a Chocolate Pistachio Fudge. That recipe can be found on the BBC website here. We adapted the recipe and it actually works pretty well.

  • 400g dark chocolate, chopped (2 big bars)
  • 1 can condensed milk light (we used the light version since Adam is into cutting calories)
  • 2 knobs of butter
  • 1/2 cup crushed hazelnuts
  • pinch of salt
  1. Place the chopped chocolate, condensed milk, butter and salt into a heavy-based pan over a low heat and stir until melted and well combined.
  2. Chop hazelnuts in a food processor or place the nuts into a freezer bag and crush them until broken up.
  3. Add the nuts to the melted chocolate mixture and stir well.
  4. Pour the mixture into a 9x9 in square tray lined with aluminum foil.
  5. Let the fudge cool, then refrigerate for about 2-3 hours.
  6. Cut into small pieces and serve!
  7. Once cut, the fudge can be kept in the freezer - there's no need to thaw, just eat straight away.

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