Saturday, April 21, 2012

Grade Pending

I recently have switched from a Blackberry to an iPhone for my personal phone.  I do, however, still prefer Blackberry for corporate use.  Since my introduction to iPhone, I have been paying a lot more attention to mobile apps and how they can help us get through our every day life.

Several years ago NYC decided to grade restaurants based on sanitation.  My ex-coworker has come up with an iPhone app that allows you to figure out the grade of a restaurant even if the sign says "grade pending".  This is yet another example of a useful piece of technology.

Download Dan's app here.

The database that this app runs off of from the NYC Department of Sanitation might be a good database for FoodNOW to start with?


I came across this article about a Carnegie Mellon Mobile Research Project called Livehoods.  Livehoods is a new way to understand what "local" means using social media.  This is a fascinating way to understand the world in which we live.  Read about livehoods at