Saturday, January 31, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009


I have never been good at painting portraits so I thought I would try bodies instead. These paintings hang as a pair.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Couch Art

I was feeling the need to paint one afternoon. The painting came out like my personality, very vibrant. My mom framed it because I like it so much and now it sits above my living room couch.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Samir's Present, Blocks

I painted these for Samir's bedroom since I could not stand how white and empty his walls were.


Bow Tie

Bulls Eye

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ice Skating Program Designs

As an ice skating coach my students participate in competitions. Part of preparing them for the competition is getting them to memorize their program. To help them, I draw diagrams that I email to each of their parents. They came out well despite my stick figure drawings!

Alessia Guise
Eliza Penn
Bailes New